
How to Skip Trace Addresses from “My Lists”

What is “skip tracing”? – Skip tracing involves the process of locating property owners by acquiring contact details such as mobile phone numbers, landlines, and email addresses.

Why is having quality skip traced data important? – Quality skip tracing data is vital as it reduces the cost per lead and per contract by eliminating expenses associated with inaccurate data. By aggregating data from reputable sources, confidence in the accuracy of phone numbers is ensured when exporting skip traced lists.

There are two primary locations for skip tracing addresses within the platform. This guide will demonstrate how to perform skip tracing from the “My Lists” section in the menu.

Begin by accessing “My Lists” from your menu to view all of your saved addresses. If you haven’t imported any properties yet, you can learn how to import lists into your account. Alternatively, you can use “Property Search” to import properties instead. This allows you to narrow down the properties you’d like to skip trace, whether it’s a specific list, tag, vacant properties, or those added within a specific date range. Additionally, you’ll notice a filter that enables you to find addresses you have or have not yet skipped trace. For further details on filtering your saved properties to find precisely what you need, refer to additional resources.

To narrow down the properties you wish to skip trace, select “filter” at the top of your screen. This could entail filtering by a specific list or tag, properties that are vacant, or those added within a specific date range.

Additionally, you can filter addresses based on whether they have or have not yet been skip traced. Once you’ve finished filtering, click “select properties” near the top left corner and choose the number of properties you wish to select—whether all, those visible on the current page, or a custom number.

After selecting the properties, click “actions” and then “skip trace.” You’ll be prompted to name the file and have the option to save the addresses to an additional list and/or tag. An estimated cost breakdown will be provided, and you can choose your payment method at this stage.

Note that free skip trace credits will be utilized before deducting from your available balance. If you’re re-skip tracing an old list, you can select “update and re-skip trace records” to run a fresh skip trace. Click “skip trace” to submit. To track the progress of your submitted file, navigate to “Skip trace” from your menu, where you’ll find a comprehensive analysis including the file name, total number of records submitted, total hits, hit percentage, matches (or duplicates), and total cost. You can also download the file from this section.

Where to Find Their Contact Information Once Skip Traced

OPTION 1: At a glance in “My Lists”

Navigate to “My Lists” in your menu, then scroll to the bottom of the page. Utilize the blue bar to shift to the right, revealing their emails and phone numbers.

OPTION 2: Full Details

To access full details, select the address you wish to view from the left to open its details. Under the “property details” tab, you’ll find “Contact information” (as depicted in the image below). For comprehensive insight into each phone number, hover over the “i” icon adjacent to the respective number. This provides information such as the phone provider, phone type (mobile or landline/home phone), whether it’s listed on the national Do Not Call list, and its reachability/testing status (indicating if the phone provider has confirmed a successful and connected call within the last 6 months).


Accessing detailed information through “My Lists” offers a comprehensive understanding of property details, including contact information. By leveraging these features, users can efficiently manage their real estate endeavors, whether it’s skip tracing for leads or obtaining in-depth insights into phone numbers associated with properties. With BatchLeads, the ability to access and analyze data with ease not only streamlines operations but also enhances decision-making processes, ultimately contributing to the success of real estate initiatives.

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